Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Re: suresafecomfortable Re: tales from beyond the bubble wrap, part 2.

there are no tales from beyond the bubble wrap I can't tell them.
there are tales from beyond the bubble wrap I can't tell them.
there are tales from beyond the bubble wrap I can tell them
from inside the bubble wrap out.
there are no tales from beyond the bubble wrap I can't tell them.
there are tales from beyond the bubble wrap I tell them
from inside the bubble wrap out
of fear of pretty houses and their porches.
there are tales from beyond the bubble wrap I can't tell them
from outside the bubble wrap in.
there are tales they tell me
from inside the bubble wrap out
// patriarch on a vespa //.
there are tales I tell them
of the effect of concrete on bubble wrap
of the effect of bubble wrap on bubble wrap

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